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Saturday, September 24, 2011

Teaching Vacancies at Tanarata International Schools

  NR       Saturday, September 24, 2011


TiS is a recently established international school (2007) following the;
British IGCSE Curriculum
in Kajang-Bangi area (near Country Heights).
We are looking for young and energetic Teachers with a passion to nurture
young minds for the following subjects beginning Sept 2011 -12 Academic Year:-
 Secondary: Physical Education
 Upper Secondary:  Mathematics and Advanced Mathematics
 Language Teachers: Mandarin, Hindi
 School Librarian

 Vibrant and broad-minded personality and a strong sense of values and integrity; a Passion to
teach and shape young minds
 a Subject specialist degree from a reputable institute / university (preferably from an overseas
English speaking country); and a B.Ed.(preferable)
 ability to speak and write excellent English (essential!) ; computer literate
 Teaching Experience of 1-2 years preferred
 all positions open to M’sians w/ international exposure experience (non-SE Asian) and locally
resident expats
Applicants may visit www.tanarata.net to obtain further information on the school
and download a Teacher Application Form for completion and submission by email along
with CV and Cover Letter to   admin@tanarata.net.

(Only short listed candidates will be contacted for an interview).

Thanks for reading Teaching Vacancies at Tanarata International Schools

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