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Saturday, July 14, 2012

Teacher "cover up" Bullying Incident

  NR       Saturday, July 14, 2012

Two boys from a school in Tabuan Hilir picked up a fellow classmate and threw him on the ground hurting his right leg.

The Form Two boy had gone to the school activity at noon and was on his way back to class when his two classmates accosted him.

The boy managed to get himself up and told a teacher.

The boy was then sent to the Sarawak General hospital at 3 pm and the teacher told the father that his son had collided into someone during the school activity.

When the father reached the hospital, he was told of the truth. He said he is planning to lodge a police report. He added that his son is of petite size and used to be bullied.

- Sarawak Update, 9 July

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